Fixed Height
Docked Content
Define your custom size
You can resize this container through the new "data-height" attribute directly in the shell div. The content will dock itself at the bottom and keep that size.
If such attribute is not set the main script will use all the available space to fit the content nicely in your page. The value is in pixels, but you don't need to specify it, just write down a plain number and the system will do the rest.
Flowing Text
Three scrolling solutions
With the latest update you can now choose between three different scrolling solutions. The original version was delivered with iScroll which can be enabled through the "data-iscroll" attribute in the shell div. If you disable it the script will trigger jScrollPane as alternative which looks similar but acts like a traditional scrolling bar.
Some might hate to see a scrolling frame, so I included a third option that disables all javascript scrolling and uses the native browsers scrollbar. For doing this you have to set the "data-globalscroll" attribute of the main div to true.
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